Q. Is there a money back guarantee?

A. We create a customized plan for each child and our success, is in our follow up and care. We don't leave our clients until they are sleeping long stretches, and generally through the night. As long as you are diligent with your plan and engaging with our follow up process then you will see leaps and bounds of progress and we will conquer your goals!


Q. I don’t live in Georgia, can you still work with us?

A. Absolutely! Little Winks works with families from all over the world, some of our clients are Northern Ireland, New Zealand, the U.S., and our neighbouring provinces. We embrace the gift of FaceTime!


Q. Can you come to my house?

A. If you desire hands on assistance and support while implementing your customized sleep plan, we can come from the beginning of the bedtime routine, for three hours, to be with you in your home, giving you the support you need.

We will be right there with you to encourage, educate, and equip you as you lead your little one through the changes and teach them how to sleep independently.

This is the perfect add-on for any age, please note this is only available to Peachtree City, GA clients.


Q. I can't afford it, is there a way to help?

A. I understand that there is a lot to pay for as parents and the cost of living is rough. So if finances are an issue for you, please still book a call with us as we may be able to help with a payment plan. OR we have an exciting group coaching opportunity coming up which has limited spots and will be a lower price than our private coaching.


Q. Is my baby to young?

A. Right from birth, we learn habits and how things go... in fact your baby has taken on your circadian rhythm (body clock) from when it was inside your tummy! I love working with prenatal clients because we get to gently introduce habits which will get them off to the right start naturally while still enjoying the newborn snuggles!!!


Q. What if my baby is different to all the other babies?

A. Each baby is different and each family is unique. This is why reading all the blogs and books out there gets super super confusing!! Don't worry I have read the books and blogs, and so I make sure we have sorted through the 'noise' and get to the core of what is going on. Your baby is different, and is incredibly special and so loved! And this is why we firstly getting you to fill out an extensive questionnaire about your child and then craft a customized sleep plan. As your baby goes through the process of learning to sleep, we will be able to make further adjustments to help suit their needs and abilities.

Q. Can I go away while teaching my baby to sleep?

A. The more practice that you get while you are teaching a baby to sleep - the better. When we travel, we are introducing new sleep spaces which can be hard while learning new skills. I ask my families to be home for the first two weeks while we work together. You can still do day outings during awake times but overnighters are something we save until the sleep skills are really solidified.

Q. What if my baby gets sick or teething?

A. If your baby gets sick through the process, or is teething then we are able to adjust things so they keep the progress that they have made, while also getting better. We make sure baby is ok and if your baby needs to see a doctor then I encourage parents to do so. With teething, it generally only affects sleep if it coming through the gum so I have a bunch of handy tips to identify teething vs something else, and how to help your baby through teething. When we work together we talk about many things, including what to do when your child is sick and teething in the future.

Q. Do I have to be the one to teach my child to sleep?

A. Sometimes parents are hesitant to teach their baby to sleep because they're worried about different things, or they need some help because of PPD or other mental health conditions. We always encourage all caregivers to be involved, however, sometimes Grandma's, Aunts, or Uncles are super helpful in teaching your little one to sleep. As long as it is someone that your child identifies as a safe person then they can be involved. With some of my most successful little clients, Grandma has done a good chunk of the teaching and it worked like a charm!

Q. I'm worried about the crying, will my baby cry a lot?

A. All babies cry, however, my job is to minimize the crying and to help you identify what is normal and healthy and what is something we need to be concerned about. Babies don't like change, and nor do I! So when I experience change, you can be sure I need to verbally process it and the same is for babies. The crying is usually short-lived and is a part of their communication system and we are able to communicate back in a clear and helpful way to encourage them in their skill development. This is a part of why I choose to use a parent present approach to teaching sleep.

Q. Will my baby no longer be attached if we teach him/her to sleep?

A. If you are worried about your baby's attachment, because they cry for you when something is wrong, then you know your baby is attached well. He/She knows who is their person and safety, so the fact you need to help your baby when they are upset shows they are attached. And so, when we talk about attachment, this is what a baby experiences towards mom or dad. Bonding is what Mom or Dad feels towards the baby. The feeling of attachment in a baby changes over time and with development. Their special way of attaching will look different at different stages of life and so when you teach your child to sleep - it is exciting because you will discover other facets of attachment and interest between you and your baby!

Q. Will giving baby a soother fix the problem?

A. Soothers are great when we are out in the car or in public and need some help calming baby. And some babies, they spit the soother out when they fall asleep and that's it... however, it is more often than not that at one point the soother stops working. The soother is one of those things that seems like baby controls it, however they don't. They fully wake up when they need it, and we can't suck while in deep sleep so this means OFTEN! When they find it again, or call you to find it, they then need to start the process over again. Because they can't use this tool without fully waking up, and can't control it while transitioning sleep cycles it is actually an external tool. We want baby to have internal tools that they control so we don't need to be involved to transition sleep cycles.